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Medicare Eligibility
Let's Talk Medicare
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Medicare Advantage Plans are all-in-one Plans that include Hospital, Doctors, Prescriptions & Extras
Senior and Caregiver

What is a Medicare Advantage Plan?

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Learn why people are switching to 

Medicare Advantage plans.


Medicare Advantage – The All-In-One Medicare Plan Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans combine hospital, doctor and often prescription drug coverage into one single plan. They typically include additional benefits and features such as:


  • Low monthly premium, some as low as $0


  • Free preventive/comprehensive dental and eye exams plus eye wear coverage​/allowance


  • Routine hearing exam and hearing aid coverage/allowance


  • Free gym membership at locations near you with Silver Sneakers/Renew Active/Silver-n-Fit


  • Monthly/Quarterly Allowance for Over-the-Counter Items; Vitamins, Bandaids, Aspirin, etc.

What is Medicare Advantage?

There are many versions, or "parts," of Medicare. Which one you're on determines your benefits, who pays for them, and related things.
A Medicare Advantage plan, also known as "Medicare Part C," is one that is run by private insurers that have been authorized by Medicare. It combines Medicare Parts A and B into a unified plan. Like health insurance for younger people, it comes with variations like HMO and PPO.
One of the reasons to sign up for this type of plan is convenience. It covers everything that Medicare normally would, but streamlines things so you don't have to keep track of different parts, insurers, and other details. You can expect to get coverage for doctor and hospital visits, prescription costs, vision, dental, and more.
Since there are variations, such as the Medicare Advantage PPO plan, you will need to do some thinking to decide on which one to sign up for. Typically, with PPO (a Preferred Provider Organization), you have a choice of fully-covered in-network doctors and a full selection of out-of-network doctors.
The coverage for in-network doctors and hospitals is usually much greater than it is for out-of-network providers. Therefore, it is important to make sure that all of your favorite healthcare providers are in-network for the plan you're considering. It's usually worth it to get a more-expensive plan if that's what it takes to ensure that your favorite providers are eligible for in-network pricing.
Most people prefer PPOs to HMOs because the latter are far more restrictive. An HMO usually won't cover out-of-network providers at all. This is a hassle in any case, but if you're hospitalized, it's especially negative. Hospitals often have outside professionals join in on your health care, and these might not all be in-network. Choosing a PPO limits your financial liability for their services.

We Represent the following carriers:
  • AARP Medicare Advantage by UHC
  • Aetna Medicare
  • BayCare Plus
  • Bright Health
  • CarePlus
  • Cigna Healthspring
  • Coventry
  • FloridaBlue Medicare
  • Humana Medicare
  • Silverscript
  • Wellcare
  • UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions
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Copyright 2013-2024 KEMPTON FINANCIAL GRP LLC. All rights reserved.


We are Not Affiliated with the United States Government or Federal Medicare Program. By Calling the telephone number above you will be directed to a Licensed Agent/Broker. Certain exclusions and limitations apply.


Some products may not be available in all areas.  

Disclaimer: "We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent

10 organizations which offer 102 products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.“


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